The perfect package to start out your Internet existence inexpensively. Start your smaller portfolio page, family photo gallery or private blog right away making use of the 1–click Web Apps Installer. A free domain name is included. And so is a simple point and click Control Panel.
Startup Package
We're Different
Startup hosting at
€3.43/mo.Test our web hosting platform with a 30 days completely free trial. No credit card info needed.
24x7 Support
Contact us 24–7
You can contact us twenty–four–seven with all the questions that you might have about our cloud hosting solutions. You can contact us via e–mail and via the ticketing platfrom and we’ll respond to you in up to one hour. Actually, our average response time is less than 20 minutes. What’s more, you can ring us up or use the online chat service during business hours.
Website Installer
Publish your new website with a mouse click
Setting up a new website in general is a difficult and expensive procedure. But we, at, did the difficult job on your behalf – now you can create your web site using a ready–made layout with a single click of the mouse. It is very simple – all you need to do is just indicate the type of your brand–new site – business or personal, and choose a design that you want. Our platform will take care of the rest and will send you the login info so that you can begin working on your site momentarily.
Free Templates
Over 100 cost–free WordPress and Joomla™ web page skins to choose from
You can easily download a Wordpress or Joomla™ theme with a single click from your Online Control Panel. There is no need to go to 3rd–party websites for first–rate web themes. We have a huge selection for you readily incorporated into your hosting account. All you need to do is pick the web template of your liking and then click on the Download button. All layouts are totally free for you.
Web Stats
In–depth stats included in the hosting Control Panel
Systematic info about who goes to your websites and when can be seen in the Online Statistics Manager section of your Online Control Panel. You can view exactly where your website traffic comes from, exactly what keywords people type to find your websites, etcetera. You will be able to use Webalizer, AWStats or our own custom–created web analytics software to find all the details associated with your web site presented in an easy–to–read way.
30–Day Money–Back Guarantee
A riskless web hosting service. You will receive your money back if you are not happy
In case, for some reason, you’re not satisfied with the cloud hosting service or with our tech support service, you will be able to make use of our thirty–day money–back guarantee. What you need to do is send a refund request using our ticketing platfrom and our sales reps will handle everything. Please remember that domain name registrations are final and non–refundable.
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Service guarantees
- Sign up now. There are no installation rates and you can make full use of our 30 day refund guarantee if you’re not 100% pleased with our services.
Compare our prices
- Effortlessly compare the resources and capabilities made available from our hosting plans. See which bundle provides you with specifically what you will need to create and handle your websites with ease.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- Contact us at any time within business hours Monday to Friday for any pre–sale or basic queries concerning our platform. Give us a call at any moment.