Varnish is a web application accelerator platform, which caches content for the sake of faster access. It’s occasionally referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy too and it interacts between a web server and a browser. When a visitor opens a certain page, the content is requested by the browser, and then the server processes this request and delivers the requested information. If Varnish is activated for a specific website, it will cache the pages at the very first request and in case the user opens a cached page again, the data will be delivered by the caching platform and not by the server. The boosted loading speed is an end result of the significantly faster response time that Varnish offers as compared with any web server software. Of course, this does not mean that the site visitors will keep seeing the very same content again and again, since any change on any of the pages is reflected in the content that Varnish saves in its system memory.

Varnish in Cloud Hosting

Varnish is available as an optional upgrade with each of our Linux cloud hosting plans. You can add it to your website hosting account from the Hepsia Control Panel, which is available with all shared hosting plans and you will get a really easy-to-use interface, which will grant you complete control over the caching platform. Using one-click quick-access controls, you can reboot or terminate any of the instances, i.e. Varnish will no longer be activated for a particular Internet site. You can also check an in-depth log file or clear the cache for any of the sites. When you add Varnish to your web hosting package, you will be able to select the total amount of memory that will be at your disposal for data caching purposes and how many sites will use Varnish. You can always get more memory in increments of 32 MB and, for top performance, you can allocate a dedicated IP to the websites that will use Varnish. This will enable you to take full advantage of your Internet sites and to have many pleased website visitors.

Varnish in VPS Servers

We provide Varnish with all Hepsia-equipped VPS plans, so in case you acquire a server with this web hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to make use of the caching platform at no additional cost. The Varnish platform can utilize different amounts of system memory for content caching purposes depending on the particular package that you’ve picked on the order form, but at any rate, this amount won’t be less than several hundred megabytes. This is more than enough to optimize the work of several traffic-intensive Internet sites, so the faster page loading speeds and the less load on the virtual machine will be perceivable. The effect may not be detectable straight away, since the Varnish platform will need some time to cache the content that visitors request, but soon after you activate it, you’ll feel its full capacity. This caching platform will allow you to use a lower-end VPS server and to give less cash to get the very same performance you’d get with a more powerful virtual machine without Varnish.