Linux is an Operating System, which isn't that common for desktop machines, but is amongst the most widely used OSs for servers. It is free of charge, so you will not need to pay any license costs as part of your hosting payments. Linux is additionally regarded as being the most reliable Operating System available and due to the permissions that files have and the file types that can be run, virus files that could infect a standard personal computer shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based hosting server. In addition, the Operating System is absolutely free, so it can easily be altered without any restrictions, so that it will suit the needs of the web hosting company and their customers. This implies that unneeded software packages could be removed to make the OS lighter and faster, which could directly lead to far better hosting server performance. A lot of Linux machines have the Apache web server set up on them, because this software is also free, quick and stable. It's the most commonly used web server out there and is an element of the LAMP bundle that a lot of script applications, such as WordPress and Joomla, need. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Hosting

All cloud hosting accounts acquired through us are set up on very efficient servers running Linux, so you can take full advantage of our swift and reliable website hosting services regardless of the plan that you’ve chosen during the signup procedure. Also, we use an advanced cloud platform, so instead of running everything on a single web server as most providers do, we have distributed every service (files, e-mail messages, databases, etc.) amongst groups of machines. The effect of using such a setup with Linux-powered machines is essentially no downtime, allowing you to get the maximum from your sites. In addition, we use the Apache web server, as this software gives us the speed and adaptability needed to provide a premium website hosting service on our personalized cloud platform. Any of our shared hosting plans will enable you to run almost any kind of Internet site designed with almost any web programming language – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, and so forth.