Node.js in Cloud Hosting
If you host a web application on our innovative cloud platform and you wish to try out Node.js, you’ll be able to add it to your web hosting account irrespective of the cloud hosting package that you use. This can be done from the Upgrades menu in the Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to take advantage of Node.js in no more than a couple of minutes after you add this service to your account. You’ll be able to select the number of instances that you want to add to the account – one instance means one application using Node.js. In the new section that will show up in the Control Panel, you can enter the path to the .js file in your web hosting account and select whether the file in question will be accessible via the shared IP of the server or through a dedicated IP. Our system will also assign a port for the connection. You’ll be able to terminate or to reboot each instance independently, in case it is required.
Node.js in VPS Servers
Node.js is available by default with each VPS server that is ordered with the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel and imposes no restrictions regarding the number of websites that can use it at any given time. This makes our VPS plans an ideal choice for managing multiple real-time script-driven web apps and for getting the most out of each of them. Hepsia is user-friendly enough even for users without any previous experience, so if you wish to activate Node.js for any app, it will not take more than several clicks of the mouse to make this. You’ll simply have to specify the folder path to the .js file in question and to select if Node.js will use the physical server’s shared IP address or a dedicated IP. Our system will also allocate a certain port number that will be used to access the .js file. After that, you’ll be all set and will be able to use the full potential of your real-time applications. The Hepsia Control Panel will enable you to view the apps’ output and to restart or to terminate any of your instances using quick-access controls.