Being able to effortlessly manage your domain names is rather important and can enhance your user experience as a hosting customer. The solutions that plenty of companies use are not very simple to work with, so you can frequently find yourself in a scenario where you have to switch between separate admin interfaces to perform a specific task, even if you’ve got one domain name. Not only is this annoying, but it also takes more time and effort in comparison to having an all-embracing tool where you can access everything you need without logging in and out all the time. For instance, registering a brand new domain name, hosting it and uploading the website files for it entails the use of at least 2 separate user interfaces, especially if you’re using the most famous web hosting solutions out there.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Cloud Hosting

If you order a cloud hosting package from our company, you will receive access to a fully featured Domain Manager tool, which is built into our all-inclusive Hepsia Control Panel. You’ll be able to register a brand new domain name and then to park it or host it, to order Whois Privacy Protection or to edit its WHOIS information with just several mouse clicks. Using quick-access buttons, you’ll also be able to set up a subdomain, an e-mail or a database, to examine visitor stats, to access the web files or to get a new SSL certificate. All options are conveniently assembled and are available in one single place, which will spare you plenty of time, so you will never have to log out of the Domain Manager tool. You won’t experience any problems, as we’ve added educational articles and tutorial videos to reveal the full capacity of our domain name management tool.